A - Z guide for artist profiles

​Anghami is one of the key streaming platforms in the middle east. Sign up at Anghami for Creators to set up your artist profile. From there, you can see your stats and update your profile. From the artist dashboard, you can easily manage your channels, organise catalogues, publish your latest releases and send live updates to fans. Check our your stats in the analytics tabs for information on the age, gender and location of your listeners, as well as your top songs and fans. There’s a way to upload your music videos directly via the app too. There’s also a mobile app for artists you can download if you prefer using mobile vs the desktop version

Amazon Music has recently launched a mobile app and desktop website for artists to track the success of their tracks on the platform and receive insights on their Fan and SuperFan audience segments. You can also find out how many people are asking for your music using their Alexa devices! The app is available globally and on both Android and iOS operating systems so go on, download it and claim your artist profile.

To claim your Apple Music Artist Profile register at artists.apple.com, so you can gain insights into your listeners, like where in the world your fan are based, as well as playlist stats. The site can also tell you how many times your track has been Shazamed, and how many people are listening to your music over time. You can only claim your Apple Music for Artists profile once your first release has gone live on the platform. There’s also an ‘Apple for Artists’ app you can download with cool features like shareable milestone graphics. You can also create artist-curated playlists via the app and share them. This is a great tool for driving more traffic to your profile.

Boomplay is one of the biggest streaming services in Africa. The best way to claim your artist profile and access ‘Boomplay for Artists’ is to
download the Boomplay app and sign up for an account (it’s free to sign up). Once you’re in, go to your profile and select the option ‘I’m an
Artist.’ Every verified artist can communicate with fans, customise their new personal home page, and analyse their performance on it. The
platform has a real ‘social media’ vibe to it so it’s a great one to be on and engage with.

Deezer has over 100 million subscribers and have launched their Deezer Backstage app, Deezer For Creators (for Artists, their teams, and podcasters). The app offers analytics; promotional tools and charts. You can request access to see your analytics and once you’re in the below things are what you can add to your profile:
You can add a ‘highlight’ via the app. This highlights an album or playlist at the top of your artist page
You can post updates up to 64 characters long
1 squared artist profile image 800x800 in jpeg or png
Artist biography in 100-200 words that explains what your music is all about
Facebook, Twitter, and official website links

Genius is a place where fans and artists can share their stories behind the music. It’s where Spotify and Apple Music gets this information from when you listen through the app. Get your music verified at genius.com. Once approved, you can share your lyrics, hidden meanings and stories behind your music, and even reach out to fans who have started collecting the information on the site on your behalf.

Indian music streaming service with 160 million subscribers as at October 2021, JioSaavn have opened up their analytics to artists via a
revamped ArtistOne. Providing artists with analytics on streams, listeners, playlists, rank, livestreams and more. There are even tips from the editors with advice on using these stats to their best effect. Register for your artist access here: https://artists.jiosaavn.com/
Some things you can do via JioSaavn one include:
Uploading JioSaavn ‘shorties’ - similar to Spotify Canvas videos
You can build and feature two types of artist playlists. They control the artwork for these. First one is ‘Artist Hits’ which is a playlist you
curate of your own catalogue. Second one is called ‘Made By’ which is a playlist of your fav tracks.

You know when people have lyrics that come up on insta stories? That info is pulled from Musixmatch which is why it’s super important to
have your lyrics up to date on here. Sign up on Musixmatch.com and then Get Verified on Musixmatch to submit lyrics / timestamp details via the Verified Artist link.

Pandora offers a unique feature in their artist profiling system where you can record your own voice messages and have them displayed
alongside your tracks. It’s a pretty popular service in America so if you can stream well there on other platforms it could be worth making sure you’re engaging with this one too. This adds a nice personal touch that could be useful for promoting your latest release or upcoming shows in a creative way. Sign up at http://amp.pandora.com to get started!

The big cheese! Register for your artist profile at artists.spotify.com and await verification. If it is your first time releasing music, you will
need to first hit up your distributor to get your artist URI. Once your profile’s been approved, get ready to set it up! You need to include a
biography, a photo and a cover photo. It’s especially important to include the photos on Spotify because sometimes the service sends emails to your fans to let them know about upcoming tours and releases, but they only do this for artists who have uploaded photos. Spotify also has another handy feature when you write or edit your bio - it allows you to tag artists/playlists/songs/albums as direct links. Always link to your social media platforms from Spotify too.

TIDAL has recently launched their own TIDAL for Artists program, so you can claim and customise your artist profile directly! Simply create
an account HERE, search for your artist profile and select the correct content which belongs to you, then submit a verification request.
Alongside the For Artists platform, TIDAL has introduced TIDAL Collabs to discover and connect with other artists, and the TIDAL rising
program to level the playing field for emerging artists.

YouTube is the largest music streaming platform in the world. It offers useful stats like views by city and play counts. New Releases end up on a ‘Topic’ channel, which is automatically generated by YouTube.
To get your tracks moved from the generic ‘Topic’ channel to your personal channel, you need to apply for an ‘Official Artist Channel’. To be
eligible for an OAC, you will need to have at least one officially distributed release, and relevant content on your personal channel (e.g. music video, performances, visualiser). Find out more about Official Artist Channels here.
Once you have your official artist channel, you can update your profile image, bio and other information. This information also syncs to the
YouTube music app. We also suggest that you be a part of the YouTube Partner Program, which you can read more about here.